Author Steven Lake
BLOG (2)

Reminder: Two art bounties still outstanding
Monday, June 20th, 2022 10:55am
Keywords: Artwork, Bounty, Fan Art, Artwork Challenge, Cash Reward

For those of you who are artists, and are interested in earning a little money, I still have two outstanding art bounties that I'd like to see fulfilled if anyone is interested.  They are: Art Project: The Dragons of Offworld FanArt Bounty Opportunity - Offworld Chronicles If you&# ... View More

The Transformative Power of God (a personal testimony)
Wednesday, June 1st, 2022 1:23pm
Keywords: Jesus, Salvation, Transformatin Old Man, New Man, Potter, Clay

When God gets a hold of someone, He really does a transformative work on them. The same is true of me. Case in point. At one time I was a huge braggart, and attention whore. "Look at me, I'm special!" and "Do you know who I am!?" and "Forget about you, let's talk abo ... View More

An Amazing Promise and a Leap of Faith
Thursday, May 5th, 2022 4:49pm
Keywords: Sugar, Sweet, Blessing, Courage, Faith, Reminder, God, Healing, Blessing

For those of you who don't know, I have diabetes, and all of the health issues that come with that.  I generally don't advertise this as I don't like to make a big deal of it.  Even so, it's caused me all kinds of health issues, the latest being my eyes, and their deteriora ... View More

Writing Update: Status of the Pen for March 2022
Wednesday, March 30th, 2022 3:57am
Keywords: Books, Writing, Updates, Ideas, Schedule, Planning, Progress Report

As it's been quite a while since I've written an post updating all of you on my current state of writing, I thought it was about time that I did that.  Anyhow, here's where things are right now. Earthfleet: I'm currently in the middle of a heavy series of edits for my Earthfl ... View More

Dream: The Storm, the Tent and the Wallet
Wednesday, March 30th, 2022 3:25am
Keywords: Dream, Money, Storm, Tent, Barn, Wallet, Journey, Friends

The dream begins with myself and three other friends at a warehouse location.  Who the friends are is not known, only that they're friends.  Hearing and sensing that a storm is coming, we go inside this empty, somewhat run down, red pole barn to seek shelter.  However, the roof ha ... View More

Dream: The Cat Shop
Sunday, March 13th, 2022 1:55pm
Keywords: Dream, Cats, Shop, Evil, Disgusting, Turds, City

In this dream I'm standing on a street, sorta in the "Old Town" part of the city, and in my hands is my cat named Hemi. I remember I was holding him, trying to give him his medications from the vet, and despite how difficult this was, he was being really understanding about the whole t ... View More

Dream: Trump and the Purple Limo
Monday, February 21st, 2022 11:09am
Keywords: Trump, Limo, Royal, Purple, Power, In Charge, President, Leader, USA

Last night I had a brief dream that I thought was really interesting.  In it I'm walking through my old home town and, as I come to this one street that's in the back quarter, away from the main flow of traffic, I come across this huge, and I mean huge purple Limo parked along the curb, ... View More

Testimony: God's amazing healing power
Sunday, February 20th, 2022 3:22pm
Keywords: Cat, Healing, Lesson, Testimony, Blessing, Joy, Training

I've got a rather interesting testimony for all of you.  For those who don't already know, God promised me last year, around September, that He would be blessing me with the gift of healing, and quite powerfully too.  So, as a result, I've been practicing the gift, trying to ge ... View More

Dream: Packing to Leave Before The Storm
Thursday, February 17th, 2022 5:58pm
Keywords: Dream, God, Storm, Packing, Moving, Marching Orders

In this dream I'm outside with a friend of mine, and we see the skies are beginning to cloud up.  I instinctively know a storm is coming, so I tell him I have to go as I need to get packed and move before it rains.  So I go into my apartment and begin packing.  However, I'm a ... View More

A Lesson About Writing That Goes To The Heart
Wednesday, February 9th, 2022 9:26am
Keywords: Writing, Stories, Life Lesson, Joys, Sorrows, Story Telling, Second Chances

For anyone who has ever been a writer, I'm sure you're sufficiently aware of the joys and sorrows that come with the craft, the ups and downs, the problems, and the successes.  So I don't need to tell you about all of those.  What I do want to tell you about today is a lesson I ... View More

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