Author Steven Lake
BLOG (2)

May 2024 Writing Update
Wednesday, May 8th, 2024 6:30pm
Keywords: Writing, Update, Books, Progress

Here's my writing update and progress report for May 2024. 1.  Getting back into print - It', happening. ^_^;;  As is seemingly apropos for the writing industry, I've once again hit some snags in getting myself back out there in print.  These aren't show stopp ... View More

April 2024 Writing Update
Thursday, April 4th, 2024 4:21pm
Keywords: Writing, Update, Books, Progress

This is the latest writing progress updates. 1.  Reader Feedback: Yes, I have a noisy chair, and my mic sucks.  Remember, starving artist who only does this for fun, and not to make a living. ;)  But yeah, as I get the funds, I'll get those replaced.  I'll also be gett ... View More

Dream: The Closet Encounter
Saturday, March 16th, 2024 1:29pm
Keywords: Dream, Closet, Cleaning, Rot, Decay, Cleansing

In this brief dream I enter my bedroom and over to my walk in closet where I see this older man standing in there going through boxes I've stored in there. Seeing him there briefly startles me, but then I soon realize who it is. I soon ask him, "What are you doing in there?" He then tu ... View More

A Curious Prophetcial Encounter
Friday, March 8th, 2024 12:23pm
Keywords: God, Encounter, Dreams, Prophecy, Revelation

Okay, this is kinda wild.  I think God is saying something here.  To give you a little background, back at the end of February I had this dream, The Great Balloon Crash.  Then about a week later my dad has this dream, The Three Meals, which I told to some friends, one of whom had a vi ... View More

Dream: The Three Meals
Wednesday, March 6th, 2024 4:38pm
Keywords: Dream, Famine, Bounty, Food, Meals, Steak, Chicken, Potatoes

This dream comes from my dad.  In the dream he was coming into the house from outdoors with a group of other people.  They then sat down at a table and were served plates of food.  However, on the plates were just little dabs of mashed potatoes, with a thin beef broth, and that was it ... View More

Dream: The Great Balloon Crash
Thursday, February 29th, 2024 12:52pm
Keywords: Dream, Crash, Balloons, People, Police, Helpless, Unhelpful, Anger, Death

In this dream I'm walking down a street in my old home town, and as I am, I notice that a number of hot air balloons have fallen from the sky, and are torn to pieces.  All of them appear to have been involved in an accident, or multiple accidents, which fatally, and catastrophically damaged ... View More

February 2024 Writing Update
Monday, February 12th, 2024 10:02pm
Keywords: Writing, Update, Books, Progress

This is the latest writing progress updates. 1.  Draft 2 Digital Conversion - Um, yeah, I talked with D2D and apparently they've decided that they're going to take their ever sweet time converting my Smashwords account over to D2D's interface because they "want to be entirel ... View More

A Spiritual Mystery
Saturday, February 10th, 2024 11:51pm
Keywords: Dream, Life, Mystery

EDIT: Part 1 of this is solved.  See bottom for details. Hey everyone, I've got a bit of a spiritual mystery I'm trying to solve, and I'm hoping you guys can help me with this.  So here goes.  I've had a series of 2 dreams, and one real life encounter that all point ... View More

Dream: The Trump Banquet
Wednesday, February 7th, 2024 12:36pm
Keywords: Dream, Trump, Banquet, Fellowship, Friendship, Food, Unity

  In this dream I find myself standing in a HUGE banquet hall filled with food, and people, and buffet counters from wall to wall. Standing at the front, with a great, happy smile on his face, is Donald Trump, as he welcomes in everyone who is partaking of the banquet. And it's not a parti ... View More

Writing Update - January 2024
Monday, January 15th, 2024 2:55pm
Keywords: Writing, Update, Books, Audiobooks, Progress, New Releases, Feedback

Hey again, everyone!  I just wanted to throw all of you some quick updates on my writing progress, changes, new things, etc.  So here goes. 1.  Audiobooks - I'm doing an AI voice assisted (aka, robovoice) series of audiobooks on Youtube.  I'm only doing the first three ... View More

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