Author Steven Lake
BLOG (2)

Dream: The Headless Woman
Thursday, February 16th, 2023 11:36am
Keywords: Dream, Demons, Rebuke, Spiritual Warfare, Fight, Battle, Casting Out, Deliverance

I was sitting here today thinking about some things God discussed with me this morning during prayer time, and I realized that, for some reason, I've never posted this dream before, even though I first had it back in December of 2016 while I was still taking care of my mom.  That's prob ... View More

Dream: The Wounded and Healed Hand
Thursday, January 19th, 2023 1:52am
Keywords: Dream, Healing, Injury, Ministry, Future, Blessing, Prophecy

The dream begins with me walking around our housing park like I normally do.  As I'm doing this I'm talking with God, as is my custom, and spending time with Him.  As I round the home stretch towards my apartment building, I happen to raise my left hand and immediately noticed that ... View More

Dream: The Darkness Demon
Tuesday, January 17th, 2023 7:28pm
Keywords: Dream, Demon, Oppression, Casting Out, Deliverance

Preamble: As a bit of background, just before this dream happened, I had recently come under some pretty heavy demonic oppression. That's been an ongoing thing for me. But in this case it was especially rough, and the demon had attacked me and shut me down hard. I had no energy, was really depre ... View More

Writing Update: December 2022
Friday, December 16th, 2022 12:25am
Keywords: Books, Writing, Updates, Ideas, Schedule, Planning, Progress Report

Hey again, everyone!  I figure it's time for another writing update in case any of you were interested.  Namely, I'm writing this post to announce that I've now completed the initial rough draft for book 3, which is called "The Rise of Offworld".  For those wonde ... View More

Dream: Campus Apartment
Sunday, November 27th, 2022 2:57pm
Keywords: Dream, Apartment, Campus, College, Dorms, School, Ministry

The dream beings with me walking through a college campus (no particular one, just "a campus") and taking in the area.  I soon come to this sort of general assembly building where people of all races, creeds, religions, etc (ie, Muslim, European, South American, etc) all gather togeth ... View More

Dream: The Storm, the Flood and the Apartment
Friday, November 18th, 2022 4:12am
Keywords: Dream, Apartment, Heavy Rain, Floods, Storm

In this dream I'm in my apartment working on my computer doing some personal things such as writing, etc.  I eventually decide to take a break and walk around a bit.  So I walk over to a window that looks out over the back of the apartment where there's a large gas station that alm ... View More

Dream: The New Apartment
Sunday, November 13th, 2022 6:57pm
Keywords: Dream, New Apartment, Change of Home, New Venue, New Ministry

The dream begins with me looking for a new place to live.  As I'm doing this I run across a guy with a place for rent.  We talk briefly, and he agrees to let me trial the place as I'm not sure if I want to move yet or not, as my current place, although small, is sufficient for my n ... View More

Writing Update: Late October 2022
Wednesday, October 26th, 2022 3:24pm
Keywords: Books, Writing, Updates, Ideas, Schedule, Planning, Progress Report

Hello everybody!  Since it's been a couple months since I last updated you on the current status of my writing, especially given all the exciting things that are happen.  So let me give you a quick overview so I can quickly get you up to speed. 1.  Weaver's Forge - For thos ... View More

Dream: The Mountain Fireball
Sunday, September 4th, 2022 12:29pm
Keywords: Dream, God, Mountain, Judgment, Lesson, Blasphemy, Warning

This dream starts out with myself, and a large group of people, both friends, and strangers alike, hiring a wilderness outfitter company (they're the ones who rent you gear, then take you into the wild for an adventure) who takes us into this pine forest, and up to the summit of this large mount ... View More

Writing Update: Offworld - A Change in Direction
Wednesday, August 17th, 2022 8:03pm
Keywords: Books, Writing, Updates, Ideas, Schedule, Planning, Progress Report

Howdy again, everyone!  I just wanted to touch base again and let you know of a big writing breakthrough I've recently made.  For those of you in the know, you'd be aware that I had previously, for the past 18 months, been working on a sequel for my Offworld Chronicles series calle ... View More

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