Author Steven Lake
BLOG (1)

Taking a break from Youtube/Rumble
Saturday, September 14th, 2024 9:44am
Keywords: Writing, Update, Books, Progress

Hi all.  This is just a quick announcement to let all of you know that I'll be taking a short break from Youtube and Rumble to focus on other projects for a while.  The biggest is my novel update project.  For those of you who don't know what that is, I've undertaken an effort, in conjunction with my move back into print, to bring all my older novels up to current editing, and story content standards before releasing them in print.  And believe me, they needed it.  I expect to be done with that project sometime around April or May of next year.

Also, this is not me "rebooting" the books.  This is me cleaning up after my younger, and less experienced self.  12 years of writing experience and improvement makes a massive difference in the editing and writing quality that I produced vs what I produce now.  So all I'm doing is going in and fixing things that should've been fixed the first time, but which I wasn't mature enough as a writer to do at the time, but am now.  So in respect to you, the reader, I'm updating my novels (I have 11 of the 25 complete) to bring them up to the standard they should be at, which will provide you with a more enjoyable reading experience.

After that will come my Wiki overhaul project.  Due to a large number of issues I've been having with MediaWiki, including repeated attempts by hackers to breach my server via my wiki software (I think they're just spammers trying to find an easy target to exploit for their scams, and not anyone who's actually malicious), I've decided to change over my wiki to a home brew solution of mine that I've used before.  It's the same one I used before prior to losing my wiki the last time.  And no, I won't lose it again.  I know what I did last time that led to that, so I don't intend to repeat that mistake. :)

After those two major projects are done, I will finally have the free time to get back into full time writing again, which means more short stories, more videos, more instruction on writing, and more novels.  One other thing I intend to do going forward is to focus primarily on my Rumble channel as, for some unknown reason, I've been hard shadow banned at Youtube (don't ask me what I did as I have no idea) meaning that none of my videos are coming up anywhere in youtube unless you specifically visit my channel.  Even my subscribers aren't seeing them.  So, I guess I'll have to stick with Rumble exclusively going forward until someone at Youtube fixes that, which is highly unlikely.

Anyhow, just wanted everyone to know about what's coming up as I will be going awol for a while here soon.  As for Youtube and Rumble, I have some videos already queued up that will extend into early October.  But once those auto post, there will be no new content until earl to middle of next year, at which time I should be able to go full steam ahead again.  So thank you all for your patience as I work to make everything the best I can for you guys. :)

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