Author Steven Lake

Dream: Mom's Exhaustion
Saturday, January 25th, 2025 10:51am
Keywords: Dream, Surrender, Let Go, Let God, Peace, Exhaustion, Too Much, Rest

In this dream my mom and I are working to clean the kitchen in our old house.  As we're doing this I noticed that she's starting to look really weak, tired, and exhausted, as she's trying to do too much, and doesn't have the strength, or energy, to do it all.  And yet she persists in doing everything she can.  But because of how hard she's working, she is completely exhausted to the point of collapse, but won't quit despite this.  It's because she loves me so much that she won't quit until everything's done, as she's doing this for me.  Seeing this I walk over to her, and tell her "You've done enough.  You are exhausted and need to rest.  You're trying to do too much.  I can handle the rest of what needs to be done."  I then helped her over to a nearby chair where she sat down and took a much needed rest while I finished the rest of the work.


I believe this was God speaking to me, using a roll reversal (ie, allowing me to see this from His perspective through my relationship with my mom) to show me that I needed to "Let go, and let Him take over and finish up as I was doing too much and it was wearing me down to the point of exhaustion.  So, just like with how I handled my mom in this dream, He was showing me that He's trying to do the same with me as I'm apparently in the same place as my mom was in the dream.  This also goes with the demon dream I posted about before.  Ie, "Let go and let God handle everything."

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