Author Steven Lake
BLOG (1)

Dream: Invasion of the World
Friday, September 27th, 2024 9:10pm
Keywords: Dream, Alien, Invasion, Popcorn, Action, Adventure, Invasion, Abduction

Note: I will say right off the bat that I'm not sold on this one being prophetic.  This feels more like either a "cleaning" or a "pizza" dream.  But, since it was so memorable, and interesting, I'm going to post it here anyways for you guys to look at.  Anyhow, the dream:


The dream begins with myself, and a number of others in a college classroom.  I'm not sure of the exact class we were taking, but there was about 30 of us (typical class size) in there.  As the instructor is teaching the class (it felt sorta like an advanced shop class, but more the "bookish" side rather than the hands on) we learn that our building is being raided by the FBI, and they are coming buy soon to inspect our classroom.  This immediately drives fear into everyone.  Not "guilty" fear, but rather like we're about to be bullied.  I remember having, next to me, a pistol case, inside of which was a small revolver, probably a 38 special if I were to guess right.

Anyhow, I take that out, and immediately hide it in my pants to avoid it being discovered.  I then notice that one of my classmates is sitting there, very scared, and worried about this visit as though he knows he's guilty, and that the FBI is about to arrest him.  Shortly after this three FBI agents enter the room, search it (more of a visual sweep than anything), and then quickly exit.  Shortly after this the FBI leave.  As soon as they do, our instructor tells the entire class to get up and follow him.  We do, and I soon find us in the neighboring workshop for our class.  It looks like a shop for all kinds of metal work, machine repair, etc.

Out front I see people driving down the road, and moving away from us in a panic.  I am soon told that someone is coming and we need to defend our position.  I then tell the teacher that, "Sure, I'll be glad to.  But I need a weapon, as I don't have one with me." (the pistol I had didn't count as it only had 6 bullets total, and wasn't good for much other than one time self defense)  So the teacher agrees and then hands me this old, worn out, Vietnam Era M16.  I reply, "Thanks, but I need magazines and ammo too."  He agrees, and then hands me this box, inside of which is a couple dozen different magazines.  However, only four are for the M16, and the rest are for other weapons, such as an AK47, MP5, etc.

I take the four M16 mags in there, and then say, "Thanks, but I need ammo now."  He then directs me over to this pile of authentic military ammo boxes that are on a pallet that's wrapped in plastic (the same way you'd do it if you were shipping it by truck to keep it together while in transit), which we then cut away.  After this we start opening ammo boxes, but every last one of them is filled with military equipment, but not a stitch of ammo.  Eventually I get frustrated and just hand him the M16 and mags, and say, "I'll be right back.  I'm gonna go get my own weapon and bring it back here."  I then leave the shop, board a Chinook helicopter, and get flown out to my old childhood home.

As soon as I arrive I gathered up all my weapons, and every round of ammo available, and then jump in an old, black Limo (don't ask where that came from. It was the only car available for me to drive, lol) and started heading back to the school workshop.  Along the way I picked up a hitchhiker going the same way.  Eventually, as we're continuing on back to the school, we come across this bend in the road where we have to stop.  The reason is because dozens of people are racing down the road towards us, using both lanes, in what appears to be an effort to flee.  I get out briefly to find out what's happening, and while I'm out, the hitchhiker steals the limo, taking all my stuff with him.

So, now, left with nothing but what I had at the very beginning, I start walking towards town.  Along the way I switch from 1st person to 3rd person view and suddenly find myself in the middle of the city near this hospital.  As I'm standing there watching this (in a disembodied, 3rd person view) a whole bunch of space ships come down, and start abducting everyone they can find.  I mean, they were collecting them in such high numbers that it was like they were hoovering them up.  I then turn and go inside the ER of the hospital and find some doctors there who are panicking as they know they're next.  Shortly after the aliens enter the building and start searching it.

However, they only grab those who are easy to get to.  If you've locked yourself in a room, they don't bother with you because you're too much effort to get at, and they only want the easy ones.  I even see this happening to a friend of mine from work who is in there, locked inside a small closet, who the aliens know is there, but he's too hard to get to, so they just pass him by.  The aliens themselves look like they're made of a really black oil, like raw petroleum, that forms itself into this lattice made up of snakes, tubes, etc.  Eventually they give up and leave, and the space ships they came in move on.

I then return to 1st person view and begin walking down the road towards this huge apartment complex where I spot a group of others, probably 3 dozen or so, who are camped out in this park by the side of the road under easy-ups and pop up shelters.  I'm worried that the aliens might come back and get us now that we're out in the open, but one of the men reveals that, once they've swept an area and left, they won't come back as it's too much effort for too little gain.  So I sit down, relax, and start just chit-chatting with them.  As I do they give me this plate full of delicious looking food, a soda, and some other things, which I begin eating.

As we're talking one of the guys mentions how he has lost everything, of which the others all say the same thing, that we literally have nothing left but the clothes on our backs.  I then comment that, "This right here is the exact reason for why you should always have an EDC ("every day carry", or "portable emergency kit" as it's sometimes also known) with you at all times," and then point out that I had one with me before this all started, and I still have that even now, despite what I've went through and lost.  The others all say that I was smart in doing that, and wish they'd done the same.  We then continue talking as the dream ends.


Now, again, as I said before, this is probably just a "popcorn" dream, but it was so interesting, and fascinating, that I figured to share it with everyone.  If you think it's something more, please feel free to let me know. :)

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