Author Steven Lake

You Can't Be Freed Until Your Heart Is Changed
Friday, May 16th, 2014 10:02am
Keywords: (None)
While listening to some of my favorite bible teachers this week an interesting thing was pointed out to me.  For those of you who know the gospels, or the bible for that matter, you'll remember very clearly that the Jews believed that Christ had come, as God has said, to free them.  However, the idea they had of what true freedom was varied greatly from what God had in mind.

They thought that Christ had come to free them from Roman rule.  Perhaps that was one of his missions, but not the only one, and certainly not the primary one.  Christ came to save the lost, freeing us from sin, not worldly rulers of men.  Can He save us from them?  Yes.  Did He want to?  I'm sure he did.  So if God wanted to save us from not just our own sins, but also from oppressive, sinful, worldly leaders, why didn't He?

The answer can be taken from Exodus.  Not a specific verse in there, persay, but rather the theme of the book itself.  Look what happened when God, using Moses as His guide and representative, led the people out of Egypt.  The ten spies incident, the murmurings, the rebellion of Korah, the golden calf, and so much more.  God took Israel out of Egypt, but He didn't take Egypt out of Israel.

The spirit of Egypt, a spirit of sin and wickedness, remained with them even though God had physically removed them from the land.  Yet later on you see God first changing the hearts of people, THEN freeing them.  So did God make a mistake at first and then correct it later?  No.  What He did was show us that yes, He can physically free us from our oppressors, but if He doesn't change our hearts first, we will be freed from one captor only to be immediately enslaved by another.

So anytime you find yourself in a situation where you're trapped physically in something and unable to leave for whatever reasons, always remember this.  Before God can move you physically, He has to change you spiritually.  Because without a heart change, a location change will do you no good and may in fact be harmful for you.  Always remember that.  One idea of application with this is, if you know you need to move, and/or you really want to, but God is not allowing you to move, first seek God.

Actually, you should always seek God first in everything.  But absolutely in this case.  Find out first why you're being told to stay, then ask what heart changes you need to make before you will be ready to move.  Because moving before your ready is worse than not moving at all.
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