Author Steven Lake
BLOG (1)

Um, yeah, I kinda locked all of you out!
Thursday, November 21st, 2024 6:50pm
Keywords: Wiki, Outage, Maintenance

haha.  Um, yeah, for all those of you wondering what the heck was up with the wiki, I do have to deeply apologize.  I was doing some work on the server tonight and just realized that I've had all of you locked out of the Wiki for about the last month or so, and didn't realize it.  Sorry. ^_^;;  Anyhow, access is back again and the wiki is working normally as it should be.  Now, that being said, I *WILL* be doing maintenance on it soon, so you may see it go down again because of that.  But rest assured, once I'm done, I'll put it back to normal again this time.  I promise.  ^_^

EDIT: Maintenance done.  Let me konw if anything broke.  Otherwise, we're golden. :)  Also, there is still one more maintenance coming, but that's a big, big server upgrade, and I'll update everyone just before that happens as there's gonna be some extended downtimew ith that, and some hickups afterwards.  I already did one for a different server/site, and it, yeah.  Anyhow, this one should go better...hopefully.  haha.

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