Author Steven Lake

The Watchman Are Leaving
Thursday, December 4th, 2014 12:35pm
Keywords: (None)
For those of you who have been keeping track of this, and have followed my blog for any length of time, I think you've already seen this trend.  However, for those of you who haven't, allow me to enlighten you.  For the past number of years the watchmen, men and women around the world, have been sounding the alarm that the last days are nigh upon us and that people either need to get right, or get left, wake up or get caught sleeping.  Prophesy is unfolding around us at an incredible rate and to some degree it's happening so fast that it's difficult to keep up with anymore.

And yet, despite this, the watchmen have kept sounding the warning cry.  Sadly, most people have laughed at and mocked them, and gone on about their lives as though absolutely nothing was wrong.  To me this makes no sense.  It's like staring at a shark that's about to bite your head off and saying it's not real and that the guy trying to save your life is just some tin foil conspiracy nutter.  That's kinda how the watchmen, including myself, have felt these past few years as we've handed out the warnings.  Trust me when I say we're not here of our own volition or because we wanted to do this.

If you knew the proverbial mud puddles and lions dens I've been through these past five years being a watchman, you'd understand why I'd never volunteer for it.  God put me to the task and I gladly accepted.  But I sure didn't do it of my own volition.  In fact, I didn't even realize I was a watchman until just recently.  God said, I did, and that's the size of it.  But I never saw the bigger picture until nearly the end when someone pointed it out to me.  I just did as God told me to do and didn't think anything else about it.

So I'm not here for my own honor, praise or glory.  If I was, I'm in the WRONG business.  Believe me, being a watchman is likely the worst place to seek out any of that kind of stuff.  Given all the proverbial stones you have thrown at you on a regular basis, this sure isn't the job to be in if you want to rise on the world scene.  In fact, it's a perfect place to sink a career rather than raise it up.  I've seen that myself first hand.  So again, I'm not doing this for my own fame and glory, and neither is any other watchman out there.  So I want to dispel that myth right away.

Now why I went off on that tangent, only God knows, but apparently someone needed to hear that.  Anyhow, back to the original topic.  As I was saying, the watchman have been sounding the warning cry loud and clear the past 5+ years.  Yes, it's been going on longer than that, but I've only been in the midst of the fray that long, so I've only seen things from the inside for that period of time.  Before that I was one of those on the outside being warned.  Strangely though, despite being put into the full time warning business for a period of time, I feel the pressure of God to warn waning, and fast.

It all started about six weeks ago when I felt a sudden drawing back of the pressure to warn.  It wasn't a full letting up, but the urgency to warn was dialed way back.  It's what spawned my article "The Time Of Warning Is Almost Over" in which I detailed this experience.  A lot of other watchmen said basically the same thing, confirming to the letter everything I'd written.  This was followed three weeks later with another article titled "It's Time To Share The Good News!" which basically stated that the job of the watchman was now shifting from warning to witnessing.

And that's exactly what I saw on Facebook.  From the time I posted my first watchman article till the second, I saw a lot of the watchmen switch from warning messages to gospel centered witnessing ones.  This message was then followed two weeks later by another one (I was led and inspired by the Holy Spirit to write each of these, just FYI, so I was just writing about the things God was showing me) titled "Watchmen: The Time Of Warning Is Complete - It Is Now Time To Witness telling all watchman that the time of God's warning is over, for those who were hanging in till the very end hoping to bring in still one more person before the door was shut.  This message basically stated that the time was now over for that.  If they would hear, they've heard.  If they haven't, they won't.  It was therefore now time to return to witnessing and bringing to salvation those who have heard, but hadn't yet made the decision to receive Christ.

Well, here we are now one week later and the next phase of things is already taking place.  If you've noticed so far in this article, the time frame between each post grew gradually shorter as time went along.  I'm now seeing the one thing I think we all knew was coming, but kinda dreaded.  The Watchmen are Leaving.  Just like the title says, they're leaving.  The warnings for the most part have ceased, save for a few final remaining determined voices.  Others by the droves appear to be abandoning Facebook (I'm still waiting for my orders to leave as I can't go until God gives me the go ahead, as I only went back because He told me to.  But I don't expect it to be long.) and heading out into the web.

I too plan to abandon Facebook and go on about my life on the web as before.  But no longer as a watchman.  Those days seem to have run their course.  I'll still be writing, teaching, praying, and doing what I've always done.  But as for sounding the warning, either you've figured it out by now, or you never will.  Watchmen, keep your eyes and ears to the sky.  If God is shuttering the warning, and quieting His watchmen, you know for certainty that the days are getting short.  REAL SHORT.  It's time to pick up the pace, use the time you have left, witness, build up, edify, carry the gospel to the four corners of the world, and so much more!  Our work as watchmen is over.

Our fellow brothers and sisters are starting to leave the building and go out into their individual tasks God has given to them in these last few hours and minutes before the rapture.  Now is the time to pour the last of your energy into reaching lost souls for Christ.  Bring in as many as you can.  Do as God has led you to do.  Warn if that is what He still calls you to do.  But if the call to be a watchman is gone, then you know what you have to do next.  Witness, and do so with great urgency, for the time is very short.
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