Author Steven Lake
BLOG (1)

The Season of Family and Giving
Tuesday, November 23rd, 2010 12:04pm
Keywords: (None)

As the holiday season approaches, so does the opportunities when we'll be spending more and more time with family and friends.  We'll also be gathering together to give gifts, share good food, and lots of family fun!

Inevitably, one of the things that comes up this time of year is, what will you give your family and friends for Christmas?  Now I know that Christmas is more than about giving and Santa and all that.  Christmas is about Christ and the celebration of his coming here to Earth and being born in a stable that would begin a 33+ year saga that would end in his dying on the cross to save us all.

It's that greatest of gifts that he gave us that has become a season of giving in which we show our gratitude for what he gave to us by giving of ourselves and our possessions to others selflessly and with abundant joy.  

One of the many things you may consider giving to someone this year is a book.  They're a great way to relax and enjoy yourself whenever you need a breather.  If you get a digital version, you can read it on the go on your ebook reader or portable device.  Or if you get the print version, you can read it anywhere as there are no batteries required to have hours and hours of fun!

So buy a book for yourself this Christmas season, and give a few to your friends and family as well!  It doesn't matter if you buy one of mine, or if you buy someone else's, because every book you buy is a gift both to yourself, and to anyone you give it to!  Happy Holiday's everyone!

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