Author Steven Lake
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Storms and God's Judgment
Friday, June 6th, 2014 9:11pm
Keywords: (None)
Have you been watching the news lately?  Seen all the severe weather ripping our nation apart from the inside out?  Think this is just a season of really bad, or rather odd storms?  Think again.  This is God's judgment on America for its sins against Israel, and Himself especially.  It's because our nation is guilty of hurting Israel, slaughtering innocent babies in the name of convenience, supporting sick, twisted, unbiblical sexual sins and much, much worse.

Yet the people of this fine nation continue to drone on, content in their sin, not wishing to repent or change their evil ways.  They say to themselves, "Oh, that's not God.  It can't be.  God would never do that!  God is love!  You must be crazy."  Um, right.  Clearly anyone who says that doesn't know the real God of the bible.  Yes, He's real and yes He's currently taking a clue stick to this nation for what it's doing.

So why would a God of love do this to us?  Well, let me ask you this.  If someone murdered a million people, and when they went to trial the judge said, "You deserve death for what you did, but I'm a judge of love, so I'm gonna let you go."  What would you say?  You'd call that judge unjust, wouldn't you?  So why do you hold God to a lesser standard?  God is loving, yes, but He's also just.  He can't be God and not be just.

That's why Christ had to come to this world and die for us.  Someone had to pay for our sins.  Before He came, that would be us.  But since Christ took that punishment, we get off scott free (Only if you're saved and have accepted Christ as your Lord and Savior, mind you.  If you're not saved and you'll still have to pay for all your sins, of which there are guaranteed to be many.) as Christ paid our penalty.

This then goes back to the storms.  If God is just, doesn't it stand to reason that He would do stuff like this to punish our nation for its sin?  Yes, He would.  But where's the proof?  How can we prove that this is God's doing and not just nature having one of its temper tantrums.  Try looking at the facts and you'll see God's hand all over this.  Look at the ten most expensive, most devastating disasters in US history.  9 of the 10 can be directly connected to a major sin this nation has done, and the 10th, while not concretely, can also.

John McTernan, a genius in his own right, has written a very detailed thesis on this in a book titled, As America Has Done To Israel.  It details in depth with more than sufficient proofs that every time we've touched Israel in a negative way, God has sent disaster on us.  Mr. McTernan has also expanded the book now and includes documented proofs that other disasters in our nation's history can very clearly be connected with and attributed to national sin.

I've even seen this lately here in my own state.  When Michigan was misbehaving and doing things it shouldn't, we were getting hammered with natural and economic disasters.  Detroit is still an ongoing on right now.  Michigan's open acceptance of Gay Marriage has also catapulted it to the number one worst economy in the nation.  And all this because our state has openly accepted sin without so much as a blush.

Now yes, I admit at the beginning of the article I was talking about the meteorological types of storms that have been pounding the center of our nation.  However, storms don't need to take physical form in the shape of clouds and wind.  It can be a lack of rain, such as in California, economic, as in the case of my state and this nation, or worse yet as in the case of the massive dieoffs of fish and animals around the country.

God is judging this nation for its sins.  Don't you think it's time you did a heart check and asked God if your life is filled with sin?  If it is, isn't it time to fix that?  Think about that a bit and remember that the next time a disaster happens in your area, it may just be due to that little pet sin you're holding onto.
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