Hey everyone, good morning. I've got a cool story for you today. Yesterday, while out shopping, I got to be the recipient of a God gifting. What do I mean? Well, I left the house with two $20's in my pocket and went out to begin picking up some stuff I needed. I know that's all I had because I'd checked the day before and hadn't added any money since that time.
But when I went to pay for mom's meds, which was my first pickup of the day, there were three $20's in there. So I paid with a $20 and went to my next stop where there were...yes, three $20's. Same at the next stop too. I even got to give the Salvation Army guy a $20. What's interesting is I've had that happen to me before where money that wasn't there before just shows up in my wallet. Only God could do something like that.
And no, it wasn't bad counting or oversight on my part. That money wasn't there before I started, and it was once I went to pay for the things we needed. So at the end of the day I got to spend $80 and I ended with the same amount in my wallet as I started. Now, anyone who says that God doesn't provide, or can't provide, or won't provide, I believe He's just proven you wrong. Dead wrong.
So if you needed a reason to trust God unconditionally for anything you *need* (I qualify it as real "needs" because not all we think we "need" are really needs, but are actually just "wants" in disguise. Just FYI) then you just got one. God can and He WILL provide for ALL your needs. He said he will and yesterday was just more proof of that.
PS, if you think stuff like this can't happen, let me say this. What happened yesterday is not the first time this has happened, just so you know. And also, I'm not the only one this happens to either, so this isn't something I made up, nor is it one of those "one off" things.