Author Steven Lake
BLOG (1)

How To Have Good Kids
Thursday, October 2nd, 2014 9:25pm
Keywords: (None)
It's interesting to read how in ancient Israel the children and adults that came out of the desert wanderings served the Lord mightily, and went like a brush hog across all of the lands they were given for a possession, literally wiping out entire regions down to the last man, woman and child. Yet, if you look, when that generation died out, so did their strong following after God. Why?

The parents.

Even though the text doesn't say it, there's a very clear and obvious message there that talks about how when the older generation died out the younger fell into grievous sins. Why? Well, clearly they weren't following the simple principle of Proverbs 22:6.

"Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it."

It's true they didn't have those words or that verse back then, but they had the principle, and yet it seems like the parents failed in doing exactly what this verse, and at that time the pre-penned concept itself, spoke of. So parents, if you're believers and you want to see your children grow up to be Godly men and women, you need to be the greatest example of what Christ is that they will ever see.

Do you have a problem with them listening to you? Well? Are you listening to God? If they're not listening to you, then they're following your example of rebelling against God and not listening to Him. Deny it as much as you want, but your children are a billboard of who you are, either in whole or in part. So train up your children in the way you wish them to go, not just by lesson, but by example, as they'll learn more from watching you than what you teach them. Both are important, but your example is the greater teacher.

Also, remember this rule. Whatever Good you do, they will only do half as much. But whatever Bad you do, they will do many times over. So make sure to minimize the bad in your life till it's almost not there, and magnify the good so that it's beyond compare. And yes, that means being a complete and total sellout to Christ in your life, because unless you are pushing to be 100% Christ like, your children won't even be halfway like Him, and I'm sure you don't want that.
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