Author Steven Lake

Forcing God's Hand
Saturday, August 15th, 2015 3:16pm
Keywords: (None)

For some of you who know me you know about my cat Hemi. He was the child of a mom who abandoned him, and was rescued from possible starvation and becoming coyote food. He came into my house and lived a good life, first alone with me, and then when mom moved in, he begrudgingly lived with my mother who he still considers an intruder. He is fiercely protective of me, and yet a bit of the cliché scaredy cat at the same time. In the past he's had issues with the neighbor cats and even drove a number of them away in angry fits in order to, by what he believed, protect his papa.

The big problem with that is he got really angry and stayed angry, even lashing out at mom and I in the process. That'd caused some problems in the past with him even biting and scratching up myself and mom as a result. Up until this Saturday we'd let him slide by despite this problem because we loved him so much and didn't want to take the step we know we might eventually have to take. What step is that? It would be putting him to sleep. As many of you know, Hemi is like a son to me. A spoiled, furry, fearful and sometimes problematic child, but a family member none the less.

Well, sadly, today he crossed a line I prayed over and over again that he'd never cross. He was having one of his angry fits with the neighbor cat and when mom tried to calm him down he tore into her something fierce. It was so bad she was bleeding considerably forcing us to go to the ER to get her patched up. Well, that cinched it for me. At that moment my cat officially crossed the line. There was no going back. The first chance we get Monday morning he's going into the vet to be put down. But this isn't really a story about my cat. It's much more.

For those of you who aren't seeing where this is going, what you're just read above is the first stage in a massive object lesson the Lord has been providing to me through this experience. What lesson is that? Think back to the title of the article. The events with my cat today carry a double meaning. So let's explore what that is so you have a better idea of what I'm getting at. Each and every one of us is a creation of God and loved by Him with an unconditional love. That means He loves us so much that He not only allowed His Son Jesus to die for us on Calvary to take away our sins, but He's protected us, watched over us, blessed us, and so much more.

Some of us have gladly accepted that gift and been redeemed and restored to God. But there are many others who have not. God repeatedly shows mercy to them time and time and time again, protecting them, watching over them, making sure they're kept save, provided for, and so much more. Yet time and again they spit in God's face, reject Him, curse Him, reject Christ and what He's done for them, and so much more. Eventually there comes a day where God says, "That's it! You've crossed the line! The time of mercy is over. Now it is time for your judgment!"

It's just like with my cat. He'd been given plenty of loving and mercy and opportunities to fix his ways, and yet he has taken them for granted and kept getting worse even. In doing so he's forced my hand and left me with no other choice but to put him down. The same is true with God. We can literally, through our actions or inactions, put God in a corner in such a way that we force His hand, and force Him to act. In the case of the lost, Hell is what awaits them. If they continue to reject God, sin against Him and curse His name, eventually they will force God's hand and He will have no other choice but to cast them into Hell forever.

And before you think that I'm being hard on my cat, that I should show him mercy and make other arrangements for him, consider this. In Exodus 21:12-35 God provides us an example of what should be done with anyone, including an animal, that willfully injures or kills another. In verse 28 we see that if a bull gores someone (hurts, but not kills), they are to be put to death. This is a willful act of the animal and must be punished accordingly. And you might say, "But that's old testament law. That doesn't apply today." Perhaps yes, perhaps no. The point is that there's a picture being painted here that when a certain willful act has been committed, no matter how much patience and mercy has been displayed to the guilty, at some point a price must be paid.

IE, one's hand is forced. The same is true with God. At some point our actions can force His hand and as such He is required, by His very nature even, to exact punishment, even death, and even eternal torment in Hell, because of what we've done. Even though Jesus may forgive our sins, it doesn't mean that we can't still force God's hand. Lot's wife was turned into a pillar of salt because she disobeyed and forced God's hand. Adam and Eve were thrown out of the garden because they disobeyed and forced God's hand. And there are many other situations just like this.

While God is filled with mercy, grace, love, and forgiveness, He is still pure and holy and righteous, and if we are not careful we can force God's hand and require Him, by our actions, to do something that He otherwise does not wish to do. He does not wish for any to go to Hell. Yet if one does not accept Christ, He will some day be forced to cast that person in Hell forever with no mercy or relief from the torment and torture forever. Even the saved, who are redeemed by the blood and sacrifice of Christ, can force God's hand and bring about judgment and punishments, loss of reward, severe chastisement, and worse if we rebel and sin against God in what we do.

So take this lesson and the knowledge that comes with it, which was gained at my expense, and learn from it. DO NOT sin or act foolishly such that you force the hand of God to move against you, be you a believer and especially if you are not. Just because you're saved doesn't mean you're also free from the consequences of your sin. Salvation only saves you from Hell and eternal punishment. There are many things that can still befall the believer should they sin against the Lord, including death. Albeit it's only physical death, but even so, having to face down the Lord Jesus after you die knowing what you did to cause you to be there, that my friend is not something I would ever want, nor wish on anyone, no matter who they were.

So please, my friend, if you are not saved, please do not reject Christ today. Accept Him as your Lord and Savior. Do not force God to thrown you in Hell because you refused to accept Jesus. If you are in Hell some day, suffering the torments of that dark abyss, it will be entirely by your choice, and not because God wanted you there. You will be there because you left God no other choice but to send you there. So please, don't make that mistake. And fellow Brothers and Sisters in Christ, please, please, examine your life. Do not live in a state of sin, or deceit, or in any way that grieves the Lord. Because if you do, some day, perhaps much, much sooner than you think or what, you will force the hand of the Lord and what will come because of that will be grievous indeed. It may not be Hell, but it will be something that you will regret for all eternity.

So please, do not force God's hand, and do not grieve Him. A few minutes of willful, blatant sin is not worth the eternal shame and consequences, no matter what they may be.

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