One of the many things I love doing in this life is studying prophecy, the telling of the future long before it ever happens, but most especially end times prophecy. I've seen a lot of different ones appear, some true, some false, and some that the jury is still out on. But the one that is getting the most interest from me right now centers around the current Shemitah year we're in. For those who have no idea what I'm talking about, I highly recommend stopping here for about an hour and watching Jonathan Cahn's video study on the Shemitah. You'll need to understand it to understand the rest of what I'm about to discuss.
For those of you in the know, you're aware of what this is and how it ends. Six years of normal economic activity, and then a seventh where things go haywire, ending in an economic crash on the last day consistently every seven years. We had a big crash in 2001, and another in 2008, as well as every seven years before those dates. So what's so special about that? Well, given that we're due up for another one of these crash events soon, a lot. But what makes this event even more special is, what Jonathan Cahn calls, a Super Shemitah. This is the 7th Shemitah in a 49 year series of them that is then capstoned the following 50th year by a Jubilee year. The "Super Shemitah" if you will. Where a Shemitah pokes holes in the boat, a Jubilee sends it crashing to the bottom.
Now obviously not always, as Cahn explains, but given that Jubilees where it hasn't happened are in the vast, vast minority, it's safe to assume that this coming Jubilee will be yet another major door buster. But going back to my original comment about prophecy, I have a really strong feeling that this one will be a Jubilee unlike any we've ever seen before. There is, at least in modern history, no precedent for something like this, or this massive, as I believe it will be. So what makes me think this. Well, allow me to lay out the pieces so you can see.
As it says in Amos 3:7 - "Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets." So if God is about to do something major that is going to shake the entire world to its very core, doesn't it stand to reason that He'd also warn us? Well, I believe He has, and has done so through a bunch of modern prophets. Sure, some of you are probably laughing right now saying, "That's a bunch of hooey! All prophecy ended when the disciples died out at the end of the first century!" That's a strong statement given that God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. I for one have seen the Holy Spirit of God moving in today's world through signs and miracles.
So why don't most people see this anymore? Well, it's like what Jesus said to His disciples, "Because of your unbelief". If we can't believe, God can't move through us. To extend this further, Jesus didn't do many miracles in His home town because of their unbelief. God is almighty and all powerful, but unbelief is one of those things where He will not act if you are unwilling to believe. Not can't, as in He's rendered powerless. But rather won't, as in such being a willful decision. That's why so many churches these days are dead. Because of their unbelief. You might be wondering why I went off on this little rabbit trail in the middle of a seemingly unrelated topic. Where does unbelief come together with end times prophecy? Allow me to demonstrate.
Do you remember the parable of the ten virgins? Five were foolish, and five were wise? If you're a scholar of the bible you will know that virgins represent the church and/or believers. So the ten virgins are representative of the church body. But what single thing did they have in common, aside from being virgins? They slept as they awaited the coming of the bridegroom. Remember the mention of a lack of faith above? Now, dovetail that into today's church where the body in general is sound asleep spiritually. Starting to see the picture here? In that parable Christ is describing today's slumbering church who has fallen asleep while waiting for the bridegroom, who is Christ Himself, to come. So what is the sudden call that wakes them up?
That, I believe, is where this Shemitah and Jubilee come in. I believe they are the wakeup call Christ will send just prior to His return for His bride, the church. So how do you wake up a slumbering church that has so much of the world in it that you can't tell the two apart? There is only one way: Calamity and Persecution. That's not a popular topic, I'll admit it. But you can't deny the fact that persecution, and tribulation especially (not THE Tribulation, but rather just general tribulation), has the amazing and unbelievable ability to "clean out the spiritual pipes" so to speak, as it forces you to face the fact that, when reality is shoved in your face, you DO NOT have the power to stand on your own. Only through the power of Christ can you do that, and ONLY with your life in order, which means humble, purified, sold out obedience to God and His laws.
Not laws meant to be mean to you and "steal your fun", but rather laws meant to protect you from the harm God knows will come upon you if you partake in the things He has specifically forbidden you to partake in. God loves you so much He's trying to protect you from harm when He says no to something, or forbids you from partaking in something that He knows will be detrimental to you. A loving father protects his children. An unloving one allows them to fall into harm. God loves you so much that He has gone out of His way to ensure your protection from harm. Our problem is we think we know better than God what's good for us and what isn't. But I digress.
With that having been said, and getting back to the original topic, what is the big deal about this coming Shemitah and Jubilee? Why am I making such a big deal of it? Why are so many others? Well, as I said above, God uses persecution and calamity to wake us up, and the church right now is about as asleep as they come. So it's gonna take quite the shaking to awaken God's people. Yes, the bridegroom, Christ Himself, is coming and time is short. So the virgins are about to be awoken. But how? In what way? Let's begin by looking at this through the lens of prophecy.
The first one I want to begin with is a man I see as a modern day prophet, a gentleman named John Paul Jackson. He's humble, loving, and very compassionate. He's what I would call a model Christian. Now obviously we shouldn't strive to be like him, as we're to be like Christ, the greater and higher role model than any man ever in the history of time. But if you want to see what someone who is striving to be like Christ looks like, he'd fit the bill. He's also been given a very prophetical gift. I can't really explain it, but God has given him a series of dreams and visions in various forms, the most common of which seems to be in the form of headlines. Here's just a few relevant to our topic.
Big Regulations Hit Small Banks
Blight in Grains Spreading
Chicago up in Arms - Death Toll Mounts
City Tunnels Closed After Bomb
Credit Markets Freeze Up
Cyber Attack Cripples Grid - Multiple Collapses with Restart Efforts
Demand for Classic Seeds Skyrocket
That's just the tip of the iceberg, and some of the ones we want to pay attention to in this article. Why? Well, I believe they all speak of the same event. But instead of detailing the event as a whole, they take smaller, almost snapshot looks at the event in question. Which event? The coming Shemitah and Jubilee that I believe will cause a global, catastrophic, world wide economic and financial collapse resulting in an implosion of the dollar and a period of disaster, want, hunger, and terror unlike anything we have ever seen in this nation. Believers don't need to fear as Christ is our protector. But we need to be awake, and if we're not, and this can't wake us up, there's nothing to wake up. For those interested in the complete list of headline prophecies, you can find them here.
But hold on, there are no modern prophets, right? He's just another jokester out to make a buck, deceive the gullible and carry away fools to their own doom, right? Well, as my parents always said, the proof is in the pudding, and to spot the real ones from the fakes, one only need look at their prophecies and see what their record is. If they make obviously false prophecies, you ignore them. But if they start hitting on the money, you'd better stand up and take notice. And John Paul has been nailing them on the head one after another, even if nobody is paying attention, and the number of fulfilled prophesies so far is small. One that I know is fulfilled, and may see multiple fulfillments before all is said and done, is his prophecy titled "The Rise and Fall of the political parties – New third party gains ground" from his list of "Headline" prophesies.
That one was fulfilled in the rise of the Tea party, and may as yet be fulfilled further as there's talks of abandoning the current two party system in favor of a third, possibly more major political parties. "Where is The Navy – Why didn’t we See it Coming?" speaks of a time when our Navy will suffer a devastating and unforeseen defeat at the hands of an unknown enemy. It will be a complete black swan event. Oddly, Russia has begun fulfillment of this prophecy in a recent test run of an electronic warfare package that completely shut down one of our Aegis missile frigates. Not a shot was fired, only a button pushed, and our best, most powerful, most advanced frontline naval combat system was instantly turned into a worthless paperweight.
"Military Cuts Number of Soldiers" is another, and if anyone's been paying attention to the news, you'd have to be willfully blind to not see this one being fulfilled. And there's lots of others from that list of headlines that are being fulfilled, already have been, or will soon be, with lots of evidence to back up every single one of those. As far as I'm concerned he's batting a thousand so far with no signs of letting up. Shouldn't that make you sit up and pay attention? It sure did for me. But, as God said in His holy word, "In the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established." So who's our second witness? Well, it's none other than David Wilkerson. He's the late pastor of Times Square Church in New York City in the theater district.
He's well known, not just for his fiery preaching and his missions organization "World Challenge", or even his book (and the movie made from it) titled "The Cross and the Switchblade", but also for his 1973 prophecy speaking of events that, at that time, were still yet to come. Most of that prophecy so far has been fulfilled. But one of the parts that hasn't is what's most intriguing. Here is the original exert from that prophecy dealing specifically with our key topic of economic collapse.
And we're going into six months of the worst hell America has ever seen---there's going to be chaos---not even the National Guard's going to be able to quiet it down---we're going to have to call out the whole U.S. Army. Now I've had visions recently, for I've been in New York City and I was in Macy's in a vision, and I saw people walking around stunned because they couldn't get their money out of the bank. Now I'm going to give you a word of advice, the first country goes bankrupt---I've documented this and I've got it sealed in an envelope, and I'm going to call all my friends and I'm telling you---this is the first time I've said it in a public meeting like this---but the first country that bellies up, you go get every dime you have---church get your money out of the bank--because there's going to be a 'bank holiday' and you won't be able to get a dime for six months. Now, of course, there's going to be -restored, but the nation will never be like it is again.
There's going to be fear like we've never known---judgment at the door. When I was at Macy's Dept. store in a vision and I watched people walking around stunned, they didn't know what to do, they didn't know what was happening; then a bunch of people walked into Macy's and suddenly went wild and began to steal and within an hour everybody---I saw the spirit of everybody in the store---they were robbing and stealing---they raped Macy's and destroyed five floors---Macy's was raped and ruined in a period of an hour or two.
That's just the beginning. Folks it's all in this book (the bible) ---we've been warned and warned and warned---you can't tell me God hasn't warned us. You can't tell me God isn't saying something awesome here tonight in this church...we better get our prayer life straightened up, our lives straightened up, get rid of the idols, as Paul writes, and seeking the face of God in holiness or you're not going to be ready for what's coming. God's warning, get ready and you'll not fear these things that come onto you and you'll start rejoicing, you'll not be afraid because your hands will be clean. You've been praying and God's building a wall of fire around you to keep you."
We'd like to teach you a song about God's protection. It goes like this.: "There's a wall of fire around me...There's a wall of fire between my soul and the enemy. There's a wall of fire that you can't see...Between my soul and the enemy. There's a wall of fire around me. May it be so with us all..."
That's quite the scary prophecy. But there's more to this and I'll set his stuff aside for now to bring in the rest of the players so you can see how this comes together in the end. After all, it's not unusual for a prophecy to be given to multiple people, but no one person has all the details and each person might have a slightly different view of the same events. Look at the four gospels for a great example of this. They're all the same story of Christ's time on Earth, but from four different perspectives. Yet it's all one story about one person and one life lived. To see a modern example of this, go up to Youtube and look up "Meteor Destruction of America". There are, at last count, at least 9 different people, and given all the secondary "minority reports" I've seen around the web, probably a total of 200 if you want to factor them in, for this one prophecy. In fact, it's got so much legitimacy and weight to it that even the US government has stood up and took notice. But I'll let you discover that yourself. Watch the video, it explains all that.
Anyhow, so far we've only established three witnesses for this event, a coming mega economic crash. Namely those are John Paul Jackson, Jonathan Cahn, and David Wilkerson. We've already got three people, so that should be enough to settle this prophecy, right? Well, yes, by biblical standards. But what adds weight to it is adding in the "minority reports", the reports that are one offs, small, partial or tiny segments related to only little pieces of the bigger puzzle. Let's take just one of the sub elements of this master prophecy and look at it. Presently I have three people I know of who have provided some backing to this: One is the prophet himself, and the other two are corroborating agents, namely Ricky Scaparo and my mom, neither of which would fall into the prophet category. But then again, God doesn't need to speak through prophets to hand out details on something. The big, often general messages always seem to go through the prophets, but the smaller incremental details find their way into the light through His lesser servants.
Case in point, the prophecy about the cyber attack on our power grid from John Paul Jackson's "The Perfect Storm" prophecy, the prophetic headlines I've been talking about. Ricky Scaparo, in a prophetic dream (Yes, they still happen. Even the bible says dreams and visions will be common in the last days, and boy are we in the last days!) saw a major city, probably something akin to New York City, at nighttime and for no reason whatsoever the lights went out causing massive panic and people freaking out completely. Oddly, I had what I believe was a prophetical dream about much the same thing, but with some slightly different details. But I'll leave that as just a footnote here. However, as an extension to this dream my mother, I'm not sure the method God did this as I don't remember, but she received a message from God that she passed on to me about a coming power outage.
Her information was surprisingly detailed for a simple "message from God", so I suspect it may have been from a dream or a vision. I can't say which as she gave it to me (evidently it was for me, but since I was being block headed and not listening to God at the time mom was used as the middle man for this message) one morning out of the clear blue and never remembered it again after that meaning it wasn't for her. Anyhow, her information details a very specific series of power outages and restorations over a six and a half month period with a rather interesting numerical pattern that I see as prophetical as well. But since it's not germane to the topic (only the fact that it's related is important right now) I'll leave that for another discussion.
Anyhow, that's three different people with a prophecy about a power outage happening during this perfect storm that is somehow connected with the main prophecy about a massive economic collapse. But what makes this relevant to the entire topic. Scroll back up and look at David Wilkerson's prophecy. Notice anything? Hers is 6.5 months. His is six months in approximation. His is general, hers is a bit more specific. For anyone who understands prophecy, just because one person is more specific than the other doesn't negate one or both of the witnesses. It didn't render the gospels invalid just because one writer was more specific about some things than another. The same is true with prophecy. What this shows to me is that there will be six months of horror that will, over that six month period, taper off in intensity until some questionable, uneasy form of stability and normalcy returns at the end of the period.
So at this point we know a major economic collapse is coming, it'll likely happen in September of this year, which is the end of the Hebrew calendar (everything in bible prophecy is centered around the Hebraic calendar, including all of this), and it's gonna be a doozy, especially with the double whammy of not just the end of the Shemitah, but also the start of the Jubilee year, which was last observed in 1967 when Israel captured Jerusalem. So what more do we know about this prophecy? Well, we know there will be a major, sustained power outage that will have a few periods of relief scattered throughout it, there will be riots, looting, lots and lots of death, and if you read the other prophesies in John Paul's "The Perfect Storm", there will also be an incredible famine, a massive shortage of food that will leave millions starving. This will likely be precipitated by both a drought (which, interestingly enough will spawn a major rise in prayer as a result), and a plague that destroys the grain crops of this nation.
It won't be a case of just food being too expensive to be had (I'm getting to the why of this in a second) but it'll also be a case in which it's just flat out not even available due to a plague in the crops. This is likely due to the fulfilling of another prophecy I heard, although I forget its source (probably John Paul elaborating on one of his prophecies), that spoke of a blight that hits only the GMO crops (heirloom crops are spared) and completely wipes out every GMO out there. There's also tidbits that have come in from Shane Warren and TD Hale that speak of an economic collapse where the dollar takes a massive hit (we already partially spoke about that) and loses a major part of its value. Even John Paul and Jonathan Cahn speak of this. Terrorism will be rampant for a while, and the weather, which has already been wild the past few years, will ramp up even worse producing a meteorological madness unlike anything we've ever seen before.
And that's not all. But I'll leave things at that. The point of all of this is to get you to open your eyes to what's coming. God is about to shake His church in ways we have never seen before, and it will be an awakening like no other. The warnings are out there, but will we heed them? Will we, as a body of believers, wake up before God steps in to wake us up, or will we still slumber and be taken by surprise when these events occur? Will it take this calamity to wake us up, or will we head the cries of the watchmen and awaken, put on our spiritual armor, and prepare for the battle ahead.
But what battle is that? The last days. Not the Tribulation, as the church doesn't go through that. I'm talking about the last great awakening and revival this world will see prior to those days. IE, the "Latter Rains" as some call it, or the "Third Great Awakening". IE, it's going to be a revival and soul harvest that, while brief, will be unlike anything in history. The only question will be, are you going to be the shoe that takes the gospel to the world, or are you going to be the bug on the divine shoe of God that stomps upon this wicked world to wake it up, and should it fail to do so, judge it, sending it down into a fiery hell on Earth that, short of the Tribulation, will be the darkest days this planet has seen since the time of Noah.
Now this message isn't meant to scare. This message is meant to prepare. Prophecy is unfolding before you. But are you willing to heed its warnings? Are you willing to wake up and be one of the wise virgins with their lamps filled and their wicks trimmed? Or are you gonna be one of the foolish ones who brought no oil with them to the wedding feast and are left behind when Christ comes? To be one of the wise virgins, you need your lamp (your body) filled with oil (the oil or rema of the Holy Spirit) and your wick trimmed (life in order and righteous before God) with your wedding garments on (salvation) and your house in order. If not, or you refuse to, then my friend, it is almost certain you will be left behind, and those days from that point forward that you will have to endure will be unlike anything before it, even this coming collapse and the starvation and plague that will come from the dawning of this soon to be Super Shemitah and Jubilee year.
So be ready, in season and out of season, because God is a God of second chances. But He's also a God of limited time frames. He'll open doors for you, and has opened many. But as with anything they will only stay open a short time. If you don't step through soon, you never will, and let me tell you, Hell is the absolute LAST place you want to spend eternity, and if you don't get your house in order soon, that WILL be your home forever, regardless if you believe it's real or not. Rejecting the truth doesn't change the reality of it. It just makes you a greater fool. Oh yeah, and one last thing. Don't think that gold and silver will save you through this coming collapse. According to the bible, even that will become completely worthless. Everything that can be shaken, will be shaken. Everything.