Author Steven Lake
BLOG (1)

Are You Ready For The Mission?
Monday, April 6th, 2015 9:58am
Keywords: (None)

Recently on Facebook a gentleman named Robert Zabierek Jr. posted an article about an upcoming financial revolution that he claims to be biblically predicted.  He quotes:

Although I'm certain America and the nations will very soon suffer great disaster and destruction. I'm just as certain The Lord will then provide supernaturally for those that draw close to Him.  I'm also certain He will protect those that are in His will where He has placed them.  Furthermore there is a seventh wealth transfer coming from the wicked to those intimate with The Lord who He can trust will use it for this last Kingdom Move. There have already been 6 biblical transfers of wealth.  After this shaking will be a outpouring of the Spirit unto all flesh, and The Sons Of God will manifest.  2015 is going to be a PROTHETIC YEAR, a difficult year, and a awesome year.

For those of you who are paying attention, Robert seems as though he's promoting the prosperity gospel.  In other words, do this and God will bless you with LOTS of money.  However, I don't think that's the message here.  I think that he, like a number of other respected people I've heard, men whom I KNOW don't adhere to the prosperity gospel in any way, shape or form, have been seen saying essentially the same thing.  And for those who don't understand this message, I'll break it down into the simplest possible terms so you can comprehend what's being said.

1.  A major, crushing, earth shattering worldwide economic collapse is coming.  It's not an IF, but a WHEN.  Nobody on Earth will escape its effects.  It's being orchestrated by the power elite in order to bring about the one world economy and monetary system that precedes the arrival of the AntiChrist.

2.  Everyone in the world, save for a handful of people chosen by God, will be thrust into crushing poverty.  And I mean EVERYONE.  No corner of the world will escape the effects of this collapse.  So regardless if you have a lot now and/or are rich, when this hits, all that you have will immediately be reduced to NOTHING.  It will ALL be taken from you.  Period.  Even the most well prepared of you will lose everything.  And I mean EVERYTHING.

3.  During all of this darkness, the people who God has selected, those whom He can trust, will be supernaturally endowed with great wealth and resources to be used for the kingdom of God in the final days before the rapture to do His will and bring many into the kingdom.

That's the general summary of the prediction (some would even call it a prophecy), and what its purveyors believe is to come.  As for their claims of it being biblical, I have not as yet found any biblical backing to it.  But all of that aside, my purpose of writing this post is NOT to trash or denigrate this prediction.  My purpose is to ask you a simple question.  Were this prediction to be proven true, and were this seventh financial manifestation of God to become real, are you in a position in your life where God can really trust you enough to give you such riches?  In other words, can God trust you with something like that?

Given what I've seen in my daily walk through this world, the answer to 99.5% of you would be a resounding NO.  NADA.  NOT.  A.  CHANCE.  You're not living the life God wants you to live, and I include myself in the 99.5%.  I'm not a 0.5%'er.  I'm right in there with the rest of you in the 99.5% who ARE NOT walking with God the way we should.  Now perhaps my assessment of 99.5% only applies to America.  Perhaps in nations like China and countries in the Middle East where being a believer means extreme persecution, and declaring the name of Christ will cost you your life, I'm sure that number is more like 50%.  But still, that's 50%!!  And that's 49.999% more than it should be.

So my point here is this.  God is getting ready to do something big.  Something REALLY BIG.  But we, being the Laodacean age of Christianity, are living like God will never come.  Are we fasting regularly?  No.  In fact, hardly anyone fasts anymore.  Are we interceding in prayer for our family, city, or nation?  No.  Perhaps a few here or there, but in general the answer is no.  If we were, if we were truly sold out for Christ as a body of believers, abortion never would have gained a foothold in this nation.  Madalyn O'Hair never would've gotten prayer thrown out of our schools.  In fact, the rampant sin of today that pervades this world never would've appeared had we been sold out, prayed up, paid up, and serving God the way we should!

What we have today is entirely our fault for being prayerless, lazy, worldly Christians.  And don't blame your parents or grandparents by saying they started it.  It takes less than one generation to turn a nation from Godly to wicked, and even less time to turn it back again.  If you don't think this is possible, look at Hezekiah in the bible.  His father, Ahaz, was an extremely wicked man, and because of his wickedness the entire nation turned to rampant, gross, idolatrous sin.  But as soon as Hezekiah took the thrown he turned the nation around in only a handful of years.

Why?  Because he served God without hesitation.  Admittedly he's not as perfect an example of Godliness in the same way as the 1st century church was, but among the kings of old he's a shinning example of what happens when you serve God, and do so with all your heart, soul, and mind.  Will doing the same be painful?  Yes.  Will it cause suffering?  Yes.  Will it be inconvenient?  Yes.  Will it bring persecution from both sides of the aisle, both so called "Christians" as well as the world?  ABSOLUTELY YES!  I'd honestly be worried if it didn't.  But remember this.  Nothing in this world is yours, nor is it yours to keep.  You're here on loan to the world from God.  You are an ambassador.  What you have and call your own is all on loan and may be withdrawn and taken from you at any point.  And given what's coming up, that's exactly what's going to happen.  Likely because it's the only way God will be able to get people's attention.

That then comes back around to my original point.  Are you worthy of what God has given you?  And are you physically, spiritually, and relationally ready for what's coming?  If what they're predicting, a major money transfer to believers, is true (the collapse we know for CERTAIN is true), are you in a spiritual position where you can be trusted with the great riches that could be given to you?  Are you the faithful servant with 10 talents, or are you the one who has buried theirs and will ultimately have it taken away?  When this crash comes, God is going to sort the wheat from the tares, and the milk toast from the mighty.

Do you want to be one of those whom God can't trust, whom He will, by necessity, be forced to strip of EVERYTHING in order to truly revive and wake up and make usable?  Don't think God won't take everything from you.  If that's the only way He can wake you up and/or bring revival to your life, He'll do it.  But there's nothing unloving about Him doing that.  Think of it this way.  If the only way to get your attention and turn you back to Him and/or grow you spiritually is to figuratively or literally turn everything you have to ash, wouldn't you want Him to do that?  Would you rather have ashes on Earth and glory in Heaven, or comfort and riches on Earth, only to have torment and absolute poverty in Hell?

If it were me, I'd say, burn baby, burn.  I admit, if we're saved we won't ever see Hell.  But, if we're not solid and sold out in our faith, we may as well be bound for Hell, because it would almost be better than to have to look upon the face of Jesus for all eternity knowing that we failed Him, and not just a little, but spectacularly.  I don't know how the rest of you feel, but I want to stand before Jesus some day and hear those sweet, wonderful words, "Well done thou good and faithful servant." and not just, "Enter into your rest".  The first statement sound wonderful, and it is! 

And while the latter doesn't necessarily sound bad it is, in and of itself, the worst thing you would ever want to hear.  Why?  Without also hearing the words "well done" coming from His lips, you may as well you may as well be bound for Hell, because it'd feel almost like the same thing.  You may not be sitting in Hellfire for eternity, but just the thought of how badly you'd failed the Lord, even after all He'd done for you, is going to hurt just as much.  At that point you may as well have doused Him with gas, beat Him with clubs and lit a match, because it'd be more or less the same thing.  Let that sink in a little bit.

And if that thought didn't make you cringe, you need to check your salvation.  We, as a body of believers need to be completely sold out to God.  And by sold out I mean 100% sold out.  1000% if need be.  We need to be radical Christians in a world of mediocrity.  Some may call it legalism, and some may call it extremism.  I prefer to call it living authentically.  Right now the church is more in the world than anyone wants to admit.  To most of them even lukewarm Christianity is radical.  But we don't want to be just radical.  We need to be first century style on fire and sold out.  Look at what they suffered, what they went through, what they endured.  Why?  1) They believed the 100% full inerency of the bible, 2) they OBEYED it to the letter, 3) they loved Jesus with all their heart, soul and mind, and 4) they let nothing stop them.

They were willing to die for Jesus just to share the Gospel.  Even the weakest of them were stronger than the strongest believer today.  Yeah, let that one sink in.  We're so fallen from the church Jesus left behind in the first century that it's laughably ridiculous.  We're too comfortable, we're too complacent, we're too lukewarm.  We need to stop being mediocre and start becoming radical.  So what if you get thrown out of your church?  If they don't want you because you're too much in love with Jesus, then so be it.  It's better to be without a church than lukewarm before God.  It's better to be without friends and family than condoning of the hypocrisy of today.

It's time to step up, friends, to show yourself worthy of God's blessing, of God's gifts, of God's grace, and of His Son, the salvation He won for us on Calvary, and all He's done for us.  We also need to be willing, not just in words, but in deeds, to lay down ALL, EVERYTHING, down to the LAST DROP, at the feet of Jesus in service to Him, and the Father, and the Holy Spirit.  If we can't give ALL for the one who created us, why should we expect ANYTHING from God?  He gave us life, He gave us Salvation, and He gave us Eternity.  Even though they are free gifts to us, do we not by necessity owe God our ENTIRE being and devotion?  Does He not deserve our EVERYTHING?

Friends, even if God chooses to throw you in the lowest gutter, in the darkest pit, and in the deepest of poverty, should you not still serve Him all the more?  Don't see your current situation as either a blessing or a cursing, but rather an opportunity to serve, and serve, and serve.  But that service requires a 100% sinless life.  I know we can't live 100% sinless while trapped in this mortal coil, but nothing says that we can't give it our all to do our best to achieve that.  Your goal every day should be to serve God so radically, so unquestioningly, so devotedly that bit by bit, piece by piece, you shed the desires of sin for a full, heartfelt relationship with Jesus.

So, taking this back around to the beginning, let me ask you this again.  Are you someone whom God can trust with great resources in order to do incredible things for Him, or are you someone that He has to strip of EVERYTHING in order to make useful for His purposes?  Which will you choose today?  Will it be great blessing, or great emptiness?  If you are saved and a child of His, God WILL use you.  The only question is, will you be the servant who has ten talents, or will you be the one who has none?  Think about that today.

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