Author Steven Lake

A Power Like No Other
Thursday, September 3rd, 2015 9:53am
Keywords: (None)

Good morning, everyone.  I've got something interesting to share with you that Jesus shared with me last night in the form of a teaching dream.  I think this is something each of you should at least take the time to read, even if you don't believe God speaks through dreams in today's world as the lesson it conveys is powerful. :)

Anyhow, the dream begins with me working at the checkout line in a supermarket.  It was busy.  Very busy.  Lots of people grabbing food and checking out and going about their day.  It was a typical grocery store as best I could tell and nothing unusual about the day.  Suddenly this evil power, like a black fog or an oppressive darkness filled the store and caused everyone to turn on each other.  It was as though I was watching an episode of Roman blood sport where the goal was to maim, injure or kill as many people as possible.

Not wanting to be a part of this I fled the store and began running down the road.  The sad part was, all of this evil and violence followed me despite how hard I tried to get away from it.  Eventually I had to fight off a couple of the people, friends of mine apparently, who were caught up in this madness before finally seeking cover in a nearby corn field in an effort to hide until this had run its course.  Well, as I'm hiding there in the corn, one of the guys from the store comes in there looking for me.  I'm panicking because I think he's there to hurt me.

Instead he was really nice and knew what'd happened and wanted to be sure I was alright.  And it was a good thing too because he was really huge, like super sized Hulk Hogan huge.  So we're sitting there talking, discussing what'd just happened when suddenly Jesus shows up.  We were excited to see Him and were wondering why He was there.  He was very friendly and told us He wasn't officially back yet.  He was just touring the place, checking things out in preparation for His second coming.  He then asked us why we were in the corn field.

We in turn explained to Him what'd happened.  He listens quietly and then motions for us to follow, saying, "Let's go check it out."  So we follow Him out of the field and down the road to the store.  Upon arriving there I remember grabbing a pistol and raising it to the ready as my friend grabs a large club as both of us slip in behind Jesus like, "You're good, we've got your back."  I laugh at that now because just before that I was thinking, "We've got Jesus!  We have nothing to worry about!  He'll take care of this!" knowing that Jesus could handle whatever was in there.  Yet we still wanted to "cover His back" on the way in.  I know, silly, right. :P

I think that's kinda how we treat Jesus, even though we don't think we do.  On one side we know and trust Him to be able to handle anything and everything, and yet on the other we feel obligated to "protect" Him whenever He intercedes for us in a difficult or potentially dangerous situation as though He's not able to take care of Himself completely.  I don't know if that's human nature, or just a failure to trust even though we say we do.  Anyhow, Jesus enters the store with us in tow.  Inside we find the building empty.  All the food, the registers, everything is gone.  It's just one huge, empty cave.  Also, just as before, a thick, powerful darkness fills the entire place.  It's just as heavy and foreboding as before.

But wherever Jesus goes, it flees before Him.  As He's driving it back, I'm standing there wondering where the lights are and try flicking a few switches, but nothing happens.  Then Jesus tells me, "Command the lights to come on."  So I'm thinking, "Authority of Jesus" type power.  So I shout, "Lights!" and a few come on.  I get frustrated, give an annoyed grunt, and shout, "All the lights!" in a perturbed voice.  The rest come on, but it's still dark.  Sorta like the lights are on a dimmer and it's turned down.  I try this a couple more times in a couple more places, but the darkness is still ruling the roost, despite Jesus being there, and me speaking with His authority.

I then turn around to ask Him for some help and realize He's gone.  He hasn't physically left, but rather I can't see Him anymore.  Then I'm like, "Okay, now what?"  I know Jesus has the power to drive this back, but clearly I must not hold enough authority through Him to do the job for some reason.  Just then Jesus says, "Praise me."  I'm standing there thinking, "That's a rather odd request at a time like this."  As I'm thinking this the darkness manifests itself in power to come against me.  So I give it a shot.  The first words out of my mouth are "Ha-lle!", like in Hallelujah, but at the absolutely top of my lungs and it came out sounding like a trumpet blast.

They backed up so fast you'd think I'd dropped an atom bomb in their faces.  So I did it again and the darkness retreated further.  Jesus then encouraged me to expand it, to spread out from there and go further.  So I began singing "Ha-lee-lu-jah" over and over again, which eventually grew into other verses, such as "Heaven and Earth doth sing, Jesus Christ is King!"  I stood there in the store and watched in amazement as the room began to fill with this powerful light as the darkness ran in fear and was quickly driven out of the room, and eventually the building.  I then walked the entire length of the building continuing to sing this song.  What the exact song was, aside from the few words I remember, I really don't know.  All I know is that I was made to understand that the words and the tune were unimportant.  What was important was that it was praise to God.

Anyhow, as the darkness is continuing to flee, I'm starting to see people laying on the floor and cowering in corners appearing out of the shadows, and many of them, if not all, were wounded severely, or dead, or alive and wishing they weren't because of how badly they were injured.  Anyhow, as I praised I remember the light that was filling this place washing over them and as it did, the dead arose, the injured were instantly healed, the fearful gained courage, broken things were fixed, and more.  It was like everything was reset and restored as the light continued to grow.  And I'm not sure from exactly where the light came, only that it appeared out of nowhere and filled everything around us as we praised God, and the more we did, the more light came.

The inference I took from this is, yes, Jesus is all powerful, and yes, He can drive back the darkness, but sometimes He leaves that job to us, and when simple words of authority aren't enough, we have another powerful tool which we can employ that the darkness despises and hates, and has the power to defeat them, and that's praise to God.  A friend of mine mentioned something similar to me a number of days back and I just kinda nodded my head in agreement, but didn't think anything much of it after that, but then Jesus showed me its power in application in this dream, and wow!  Who would have thought that simple praise could be such a powerful tool to defeat the devil and the powers of darkness.

Anyhow, that was the teaching dream.  I pray it blesses you and that you too take a lesson from it.  Remember, the song is unimportant.  What matters is that it's true, honest, heartfelt praise.  Not worldly rhythms or screaming guitars or anything fleshly.  This needs to be true, honest, deep seated, heartfelt praise to God done in humility, spirit, gladness and truth.  Try that sometime when you can't seem to get a breakthrough on something.  Praise God mightily for His strength and power, and watch what happens. :)

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