Author Steven Lake
BLOG (1)

Pride vs Humility
Friday, October 21st, 2011 2:58pm
Keywords: (None)
Here's some things to think about in your life when deciding which path you will take, be it humility, or pride.

* Humility builds bridges.  Pride burns them.

* Humility makes friends of enemies.  Pride makes enemies of friends.

* Humility heals wounds.  Pride makes them.

* Humility tears down walls.  Pride builds them.

* Humility makes peace.  Pride makes war.

* Humility brings happiness.  Pride only brings sorrow.

* Humility opens doors.  Pride slams them shut.

* Humility makes you a better person.  Pride destroys you.

* Humility is a sign of strength.  Pride is a sign of weakness.

* Humility is a sign of courage.  Pride is a sign of fear.

* Humility brings love.  Pride brings anger and hate.

* Humility loves others.  Pride only loves itself.

* Humility brings life.  Pride brings death.

So live always with humility, and give no place for pride in your life.  You will be all the better for it.
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