Author Steven Lake
BLOG (1)

Book Release Announcement!
Sunday, December 24th, 2023 10:24pm
Keywords: Book, Release, Offworld Chronicles, After Offworld, Trilogy, Sequel

Hey everyone, Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year!  I just wanted to let everyone know that I've finally come to a decision on something.  What is that, you might ask?  Well, I've been waiting on Draft2Digital, for nearly a year and a half to get their act together on this merger of theirs, and I'm finally done waiting.  They were supposed to have Phase 3 done by the end of 2023, probably no later than Q3, where everyone from Smashwords would be merged into the D2D interface, and allow me to start using their service without signing up to their site and such.  That was the promise.  I still have YET to see that happen.  In fact, the last update I have from them on any of this was July 2022.  Literally.

So, I've decided, screw it.  I'm gonna go ahead and push out the first book in the After Offworld series here in the next few weeks.  Everything's pretty much ready to fly just as it is.  So, sometime in the next few weeks I will be releasing book 1 of this trilogy for all of you to enjoy.  To start with it's going to only be an Ebook, as I have a lot of other things ahead of it that I have to finish first before other things like print, audiobooks, and the like are available.  However, those will all get sorted in time.  Anyhow, keep your eyes pealed because all three of them will be coming out soon, probably 4 months apart at this point, based on my current plans.

Anyhow, please keep your eyes out for these books to start appearing in the coming weeks.  And thank you, everyone, for your patience in this matter.  I'd hoped to wait to release these until after the Smashwords/D2D merger finished.  But, alas, that seems like it will be forever at this rate.  So I'm just going to forge ahead for now until I hear differently.

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