Dream: Facing Demons
Saturday, January 11th, 2025 12:34pm

This dream starts out with me in a room with a large number of other people.  In the room are 5 demons, and they are torturing, and tormenting, harassing, attacking, and just making a plain nuisance of themselves.  However, they are not attacking me.  If anything, they look fearful of me.  They do come over and hiss at me, and growl, and threaten, and try intimidating me.  But, unlike the others, they do not lay a finger on me.  It's almost as if they can't.  I then get tired of seeing them tormenting the other people so I decide to confront them.  I then address their leader, and say, "Demon, show yourself!"  I say this because, while I can see the demons (they're moving about like cloaked figures among the crowd) and he, and the other demons are forced to drop their cloaks and reveal themselves to everyone.

This causes the people there to recoil in terror upon seeing these demons.  I then glare angrily at the head demon, and shout, "Demon, I rebuke you in the name of Jesus!"  I said this to him three times, and the third time he capitulated, and bowed, and became subservient.  The demons then turned, and sorta vanished into the darkness that permeated one corner of the room.  We all then turned and walked out of the room to the outside.  Once there I found five more demons, just like the first.  I then prepared to do the same to them to protect the people with me.  However, before I could, their leader came up to me, a dark, evil, seditious grin on his face, and said, "We are the new demons."  I then tried to rebuke them too.  But this time I had no power against them at all.  None.  The curious thing about this is, I quickly discovered that I didn't actually need to do anything to stop them.  Instead of attacking the people with me, or even standing against me, they all turned, and walked away.

But where they walked to was even more interesting.  Just beyond the edge of the property was this great, towering inferno.  It was filled with bright red flames of fire, tall and intimidating, and intermingled with thick darkness, almost as though I was looking into Hell itself.  Inside this fire I could see people walking about.  I'm not sure if they were actual people, demons, or both.  But I felt that they were more the fore than the latter.  IE, regular people.  The "new" demons then walked into that fire and vanished.  Some of the people who were with me also walked into that fire and vanished.  The rest remained with me.  The dream ends there.

Edit: While trying to break down and interpret this dream, I was able to put together the following lesson that I believe this dream was trying to teach me:

"Stand with courage and faith in the battles you are called to fight, and trust God with grace and patience in the ones beyond your control."