How To Fix Our Broken World Tuesday, February 17th, 2015 8:57pm One of the biggest problems I've been seeing of late, and it drives me nuts, is to see people saying this leader or that leader or some other leader will fix all our problems and we need to unseat Obama, or Castro or Putin or whoever and we'll solve all of our world's problems. Or even our local ones. Well, let me tell you this, and I've said it a hundred times, and I'll likely say it a thousand times more. The solution to our world's problems IS NOT achieved by unseating our leaders or changing them or anything like that. It's just a cold, hard fact. The solution is NOT to change those at the top, as that's not where the issue lies. The problems in our world lie with you and I and those around us. In other words, the problems of this world are not at the top. That's just the symptom of the real problem. The issues of this world lie with the people at the bottom. Us. We the people of the world. Yes, those who are set over us are there because of what we have, or have not done. What do I mean by this? The bible explains this quite clearly. Daniel 2:21 (NIV) - "He changes times and seasons; he deposes kings and raises up others. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning." Psalm 75:7 (NIV) - "It is God who judges: He brings one down, he exalts another." God is the one who deals with the leaders and gives us the ones we DESERVE, and NOT the ones we want. So stop trying to "fix" the leadership and start fixing the real source of the problem. You, and I and the people around us. Since we are at the bottom we can't blame others without blaming ourselves. We're all guilty. If this nation has ran headlong into sinful living, then it's our fault. We haven't humbled ourselves enough, we haven't debased, humiliated, reduced, lowered, or otherwise taken the lowest place amongst those around us. In turn, for those who are believers, we have not in the slightest degree shared the love of Christ, the Gospel, or reached others the way we should. Some might go around touting how great they are or how many souls they've reached, or worse yet, how great a Christian they are. Have you really looked in the mirror lately? Do you know what our sin looks like to God, even the most righteous amongst us? It looks like a massive stinking pile of pig dung. Yes, pig dung; the single worst smelling manure in the world, bar none. That's what our sins look like to God. And don't think because you're some self righteous, holy, Godly person that you're any better. We're all sinners, we're all deserving of the deepest, darkest corner of Hell, and the judgment, torment and punishment that comes with it. Only Salvation in Jesus saves us from that. And you think you're better than someone else? Really? That's pride speaking if you think you're better than ANYONE. We, as believers, should always seek the bottom in reference to humility. Even the tiniest sprinkling of pride is like throwing a match into an ocean of gasoline. It always ends really badly. So, if you want to change the world, start with yourself, get right with God, go for a relationship that's not "convienient." Don't go for one that's easy. Go for the one that's hard. Seek to be sinless. Seek to be holy. Seek to be humble. Seek God always in all things all the time, constantly. That means taking the bible and believing it 100%, obeying it 100%, and living it 100%. But remember, it's not about what you do, or how you do it. It's about WHO you do it for. Namely Jesus. If you truly, and I mean really, really truly love Jesus, you will reach out to others and put them above your needs, you will pray, you will fast, you will seek God always. In other words, you will seek a relationship with Jesus, and not a religion. You will seek REAL Christianity, and not this modern Laodacean, lukewarm, milktoast, wimpy Christianity that fears man and seeks pleasure above anything of God. In other words, it's dead. Did Paul or the Apostles seek to set the world on its head? Yes. They were the ultimate example, short of Christ Himself, on how to be a real Christian, and a true follower of God, and Jesus. But, they did not go to the top of the world power structure to change things. They went to the bottom and sought out the lowest of people, the sick, the needy, the lame, the orphans, etc. So, in closing, if you really want to change the top, you need to seek the bottom, and you need to seek God in ALL your ways. Everything else is sin, and it's a dead end. Don't go for the dead end. Go for the one who died for you to save you. Go for Jesus and let Him handle the rest. |