All Men Must Die...Or Will They? Saturday, May 24th, 2014 9:02pmHere's an interesting thought for you tonight. In Hebrews 9:27 it says, "And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgement." For quite a few years that verse bothered me. Not the fact that everyone has to die, or even the judgement, but rather that everyone has to die. Since the bible is infallible, it made me wonder, if at some point we will be raptured out and not see death, how can that be true, and this verse as well?
Then it dawned on me tonight. What is it we, as believers, say when describing ourselves in Christ? We only need look at Galatians 2:20 for the answer. "I am crucified with Christ..." Crucified. IE, dead, executed, laid to rest. When we are saved, we go through death, and emerge a new creature. So in that respect we have already died. Those who are unsaved have yet to go through their death, which will be first in Hell, then later in the lake of fire.
So even if we're raptured, escaping physical death, we have already gone through our spiritual death, completely fulfilling that verse. It's my feeling that when that verse was written, that's what the writer had in mind, that all men must die spiritually. That death can either be at salvation, or the physical death of the body, causing one's soul to fall into Hell which is eternal death.
One way or another we will die, but if we've accepted Christ as our saviour, then we have died with Him. However that death is only temporary, as we are raised to new life eternal with him as well, never more to die spiritually. So why have so many pointed towards this verse as pertaining to the body? Probably because we live in a physical world and physical death is what we understand best. But if the verse pertains to spiritual life and death as I believe it does, then it not only properly fulfils the verse, but also makes more sense in the grand scheme of things.
Anyhow, that's my thought for tonight. |